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Foodceuticals + Minerals


We are absolute women. Who fearlessly embody our path. We question everything. Grounded and unbroken. You are not a product. You’re smart and you know that. Body Wisdom for generations.


Nat Kringoudis + Jess Blizzard created M BODY to lead women back to themselves.

The knowing and body wisdom to share with future generations.

M BODY Musings features heartfelt words, practical information + inspiration from M BODY Muses.

What are people saying about M BODY?

"I've been taking it everyday and I've seen massive changes to my gut and I've honestly had the best cycles ever since. I swear if you use these you will have amazing results. I can say that because I've been using for over 6 months and I think its amazing"

- Cat Sanz (Stylist)



More real stories from M BODY

"I had the opportunity to test the product before it's official launch, and I must say it has become an essential part of my morning routine. I absolutely adore the revitalising effect it has on me"

- Steph Prem  (Olympian)

Customer review

M BODY has been a game changer for me. I was taking so many supplements, including collagen. I stopped taking most of these products as M BODY has reduced the inflammation in my body. It has helped with my arthritis, joint pain and my PMS are so much better. Thank you for suggesting this amazing product.

Customer review

For the last 20 years I have been using natural remedies to support myself as my body changes and matures, and few have taken effect as quickly and as noticeably as M BODY. I have experienced a boost in vitality, improvements in my skin, reduced bloating in my lower tummy and a clearing out of candida. I have also noticed how quickly my body recovers after exercising and the increased mobility in my joints while moving. M BODY is without doubt a product I will be using for many years to come. My body loves it and it is now an essential part of my morning ritual. 

Customer review

Years of battling Endo left me feeling constantly drained. M BODY has not only reduced my inflammation significantly but for the first time in years - I'm having my periods without the need for pain relief. The ABSOLUTE has helped regulate my hormones as I've always struggled with excess oestrogen.

The added bonus is the glowy skin.

Customer review

So I started this 1 week ago and today the scales moved down 1.7kgs. I'm in absolute shock as I've been on a health journey for 18 months and for the last 6 months not a change then - BAM. This was the miracle I needed for my gut to get things moving again. The more people that know about this product the better. Game Changer.

Customer review

I've been taking my M BODY every morning. I'm starting to feel my digestion improving already but do you know what I noticed straight away? My patience with my kids - normally I can hit my limit quickly but I have more energy and patience and my brain feels more present. Not foggy. Even my husband said your energy is different and your eyes are brighter. I can't wait to keep going.

Customer review

I have been taking M BODY everyday since the first drop and WOW, I am so happy with what I am seeing and feeling. I believe I had hormonal hangover from IVF treatment and I just didn't feel right. I had a front pouch that wouldn't move and was really starting to get me down, feeling a failure and not loving my body anymore (a constant reminder of trauma and loss).

I am happy to say the front pouch has moved and internally my gut is so much better, my skin is amazing. I can feel the difference around the time of the month. I am not that super crazy hormonal girl. And the brain fog has really lifted. The best thing I am noticing is that I am starting to accept and appreciate me. I am looking at my body. Thanks for creating what you have and sharing the amazing information on your page.

Customer review

I started using M BODY primarily to assist in balancing my hormones, and had read testimonials that spoke of weight loss, which was a bonus. I have been using this for a month now, which has helped immensely with bloating and being regular, and I've noticed a positive shift in my moods and energy. I upped my mix with the MSM and in the last week my stubborn weight deposits (in belly and hip) fell away. This simple step to my morning routine, has been an incredibly beneficial addition to my health journey. My hormones are balanced, i feel mentally better and physically, the shifted mindset has been incalculable. I now hold the unofficial purchasing role for my family and friends, because I know it works.

Customer review

2nd cycle taking M BODY and for the first time in my life my period is light. I've had 2 iron infusions in the last 2 years thanks to heavy periods and clotting. Thought I was doomed. Now, no cramping or intense pain. period came 4 days early and is light. So so thankful, have recommended to friend in need. Thank you.

Customer review

I've been using your products daily and have noticed a massive improvement in my skin. I have had nasty rosacea type redness on my cheeks since December last year which refused to go away but just in the last week I've noticed that they have disappeared. Also, funnily enough for the first few days I found the mix bitter but now I don't notice that at all. Thank you for this product. I will never be without.

Customer review

I just wanted to let you know since taking the MSM I haven't had any hormonal breakouts around the time of my period. I am so thrilled with the results and now I had added the ABSOLUTE to my routine and can't wait to see those results. Thank you Thank you. I love what you do.

Customer review

My delivery arrived as I was scrapping the bottom of the packet. I've been taking M BODY daily and I've seen massive changes to my gut and honestly I've had the best cycle in such a long time. I swear if you use these, you will have amazing results.

Customer review

I just wanted to let you know that I've been on M BODY for a fortnight now and I am absolutely loving this product. I've seen a huge difference in my bowel motions and skin. Have had a chat to my nutritionist about this as I've had a hormone test recently and was oestrogen dominant. She loved that I was on these products and asked for the details to share with her other clients. Really grateful for M BODY.


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